Thursday, April 21, 2011

In a rut...but hope.

Well.  We went on a vacation 2 weeks ago and I came back...not fired up to finish the first chapter of my book. Its not that I don't have the idea and image in mind, its like I came back unmotivated.  Its kinda weird.  I brought my computer so maybe I should have continued to write in the evenings when there wasn't much going on.  But the problem with that was I was having mini panic attacks due to all the people we came across during the days looking through shops as well as being in a new unknown to me house with people I have barely met before.  It was the first vacation we have had in many years so it was kind of a shock to the system to be thrown into that fast.

I'm still out of it form that even 2 weeks later.  I can't handle people at all, period.  Its been a year and 5 days since my mental breakdown that sent me to the ER and all that has changed is I'm on a few medications and still not on social security.  I'm not going to get it this time either so I will have to wait until I can get a real doctor to talk to me and I would love him/her to give me a paper stating that I am not mentally fit to work so I can get a new social security claim to pass and then I can get some better help.  Whoo.

But aside from all that we have some positive coming through.  It looks like we are getting our own place as soon as June!  Its a small place but it would be ours with no roomies.  No more sharing a bathroom, no more sharing a kitchen, no more sharing at all.  Aside from 6 months and a few weeks of homelessness we have had roomies for 6 years.  That is way too long for recluse people like us.  Don't get me wrong.  I appreciate what Michael (our roomy) has done for us in letting us rent a room when we had nothing.  It came at the right time and it has kept us housed for 2.5 years now.  But we really need our own place.  It will more than likely help out both of our bipolars when we have our own place.

So, I'm in a rut creatively and hurting mentally but we have hope for our lives.  Maybe I can turn things around here real quick.  I know some people are waiting to read the first chapter of my book.

Till next time


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