Friday, March 25, 2011

Writing Down the Days

Its after 11pm, sitting here eating Nilla Wafers and trying to figure out what writing style to use for my second entry into a short story contest.  See, the game I play, Fiesta Online, has what they call MVP contests on their forums.  The contests range from writing, costume design, siggy design, and even dance contests. This particular contest is a writing about what we think the origin of their new class is in 300 words or less.  This proved very hard for entry #1.  I went all out and just typed the story I wanted.  Checked the word count and it registered 415.  Not too bad for a start, but gotta shave some fat off.  After a few edits here and there I finally came up with a Finished Product.  For something that took roughly 20 minutes to do, it isn't too bad if I say so myself.

Amazing how a simple thing like a short story contest gets the brain going with ideas.  So many ideas and very little time to implement them.  One good thing about the game I play is the introduction of its new class.  The new class will be released sometime relatively soon.  But the best part is, I have decided to basically write a book while I level up the new character.  I will guide the character on a set path and it will correlate with what the book types out.  I believe this will be very fun, challenging and engaging  task for me.  I have already posted my first official fanfic on the forums a while back.  You can read it Here if you like.  

One thing I do want to inquire about is fan written novels.  You see games like Dungeons and Dragons, World of Warcraft and Everquest with fan written novels in stores.  I am really curious if Outspark ( the host of Fiesta Online) would allow me to pursue something like that.  It would be a fun project to say the least.  Who knows, maybe my fanfics will gain popularity and they will allow it out of sheer interest at shared profit lines.  You never know.

I really would like to get back to writing my actual novel, but I haven't been able to focus long enough anymore.  Stupid Bipolar.  But maybe this project of mine will help out with finding a writing style that will work around my disability.  That is truly what I wish for.  A day in which all I do is write novels from my front porch as I look out over our land.  Sigh.  Enough dreaming.  Gotta get focused.

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